Alexandra Piacenza published an article
Polytechnic High School Class of 1970 50th Class Reunion is OFFICIALLY POSTPONED until October 9th, 2021. The committee of your peers has voted to reschedule and TRC (The Reunion Committee, the vendor we are using to manage ticket sales, etc.,) and…
Feb 26, 2020
Alexandra Piacenza is now a member of Poly Alumni Network
Nov 5, 2019



October 22

What year did you graduate from Poly?


Would you want to possibly mentor a current Poly Student?


Does your current employer have any internships available for current or graduating Poly students.



Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass

College Major:


What advice would you give to a Poly junior or senior as they prepare for college, work, or generally life after high school?

Always do your best AND be patient with yourself. A lot of learning comes outside the classroom, especially interacting with others and finding out what you value and what's most important to you. It takes time! So soak in experience and don't try to figure it out all at once!

What kind of alumni activities would you be interested in attending?

I now live in Arizona and so would not be able to attend many activities.